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Strategic Agricultural Areas, Silos, Crop Production Facilities, Fish and Animal Farms, Agricultural Research Centers, Food Laboratories, Critical Food Industry Facilities


Agriculture and food are indispensable for all humanity. Especially countries that face rapid population growth, global warming and problems of access to fresh water are trying to deepen their activities in this field with strategic action plans. The covid-19 pandemic and the following possibilities have led all countries to invest more in this field and to consolidate and expand their existing fields. Today, serious security measures are required for the healthy functioning of the food safety chain at the point of production, storage and marketing of national strategic agricultural and food products, which are strategic for countries.


Besides climate change, hunger, poverty, access to water, coronavirus pandemic, destruction of biodiversity, the monopolization efforts of countries in basic agricultural and food products brought about concentration in this field. At this point, the area that draws attention is bio-terrorism. Bio-terrorism, which is as old as the history of humanity, is one of the greatest dangers awaiting societies in the near future. Bio-terrorism, which is the deliberate use or threat of the use of biological agents to cause disease or death among humans or other living things, and the fact that information is so open and accessible lays the groundwork for such actions. It is possible to produce microorganisms that can be used as biological weapons in a laboratory to be established with approximately 10 thousand dollars. With the introduction of these developed agents into critical agricultural and food facilities, very different effects arise.


Towards the end of the last century, many agricultural researches, which have gained strategic importance due to terrorist acts increasing in size all over the world, the effects of global warming, the need for the fair distribution of agricultural products all over the world, the need for the protection of seeds and genes, which are of great importance in agricultural production, ensuring safety in the production and storage facility has become a necessity. For this purpose, control in sharing both the studies and the results obtained with the second and third parties becomes mandatory. It is an unavoidable need to take measures to prevent deliberate acts such as sabotage, bio-terrorism, deliberate contamination, and excessive leakage of strategic information, and to strictly maintain the implementation.


With a methodology based on risk analysis of behaviors such as killing people, disrupting public order, damaging our bio-diversity, which is one of the greatest guarantees of our future, undermining agricultural developments, creating an atmosphere of chaos, spreading fear and panic, damaging the public's trust in governments, and harming them economically, preservation of both physical and digital domains has become more and more important today.


Potential Hazards in Critical Agricultural and Food Facilities


Unhappy superior/subordinate employee Organized terrorist or activist groups
Subcontractors  Vehicle drivers
Temporary workers Subcontractors
Senior/subordinate employees who are, in fact the members of various terrorist groups Suppliers
Top/subordinate employees with financial interests Visitors











As Yüksel Özel Güvenlik Hizmetleri A.Ş., we are aware of the different processes in protecting these facilities and areas. In addition to the external security procedures of the facilities, the internal security procedures are more important. The prominent concept here is food defense, which has gained importance with the increasing terrorist acts.  


Potential Biological Weapons/War Agent Groups

• Bacteria, Rickettsia, Chlamydia, Parasite, Fungi and Viruses

• Microbial Toxins

• Animal Toxins

• Plant and Seaweed Derived Toxins

• Snake and Spider Venoms

• Neuropeptides


Our Security Procedure in This Area is to create:

• Physical security and outdoor security,

• Visitors/subcontractors coming to the facility, vehicles, cargoes,

• Business personnel,

• Processes,

• Facility interior areas (production area, storage, shipping),

• Auxiliary facilities (water, air, ice, steam),

• Laboratories,

• A structural security architecture for Electronic and Computer systems.


The fact that the attacks against these facilities are generally human-induced makes the security levels different. In this context, we make a turnkey configuration that will respond to cyber security threats while creating a facility security architecture.